Dating a married but separated woman
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Dating > Dating a married but separated woman
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Click here: ※ Dating a married but separated woman ※ ♥ Dating a married but separated woman
She was left deserted with his six children to look after by herself. You can occasionally remind him very gently that you rather talk about something else. Those drifts can come from so many causes: illness, financial strain, too many obligations without reward, personal insecurities, stages in life that produce self-doubt, boredom, , too much hostility without reparation, or just plain growing apart. You are strong enough to find a wonderful match that is not married, or to be completely satisfied alone, and with God, leading the way.
Reality checked in when the first child they had was severely mentally and physically disabled and had extremely high needs. I myself am having doubts on why it feels empty when he says he loves me. How often should I go to print counseling. Well, I been talking to him and he still has feelings like he did years ago and so do I. In this time I was in a relationship with someone else for 3 years but I broke it off when I met the guy I am with now. If you are participating in an affair with a married woman, understand that there is a very real risk of physical harm should her husband learn of the affair and react violently. In the meantime, I will continue dating other people. I had heard around the office that he and his wife were on and off for caballeros and have only been married for 2. When you go back heatin up left-overs as I like to call itthe same reasons that turned you off to begin with are still there. They are non-negotiable for you…meaning if one requirement was not present, the solo would not work for you. He claims he will only let dating a married but separated woman stay 30 days, but my worry is they might realize they still love each other and want to stay married.
This is the reason I say love is NOT enough because your love for him cannot make him leave his wife. It's a dating that apparently wont' involve lawyers, but paperwork they are doing up themselves. I have not cheated.
Separated Dating Site - We are actually having dinner together on Saturday. Don't Bring Up The Ex Yourself It's inevitable you'll be curious about this ex.
Unfortunately or fortunately…depending on how you look at it , there is no simple mathematical equation, or test, or quiz that can predict whether or not your relationship will be a lasting success. And with that awareness you make yourself more available for long-term love with the right guy. Raising your awareness means being clear on the facts of your relationship. In other words, what exactly is a separated man or divorced man? Here are some of the basics to help you get clearer on his situation… And ultimately help you get clearer insight on whether or not this is a relationship where you want to go into deeper levels of commitment. The Separated Man A separated man is one who is still legally married. He might be in the process of divorce, or the divorce papers might not have been filed at all. Spouses who no longer reside in the same dwelling are said to be living apart. For example, some states consider property accumulated and debts incurred while living apart to be the separate property or debt of the person who accumulated or incurred it. In other states, property is joint, unless and until a divorce complaint is filed in court. Also in some states, couples must live apart for a certain period of time before they are permitted to file for a no-fault divorce. It may follow a trial separation, or may begin immediately when the couple starts living apart. In most states, all assets received and most debts incurred after permanent separation are the separate property or responsibility of the spouse incurring them. However, debts that happen after separation and before divorce are usually joint debts if they are incurred for certain necessities, such as to provide for the children or to maintain the marital home. A legal separation results when the parties separate and a court rules on the division of property, alimony, child support, custody, and visitation — but does not grant a divorce. If you want to go deeper into understanding the separation and divorce process, is a great resource that guides you through all stages of separation and divorce. Also, first realizing what you want in a happy, fulfilling relationship, and then figuring out what requirements you have that comprise a happy, fulfilling relationship, will make it easier for you to determine whether or not this relationship meets your personal needs. In general, separation in the case where the still married couple is living apart and not yet legally separated , is a very volatile time. While he might want and fully intend to get divorced, his separated status might limit his availability to have normal relationship interactions with you… This could be in the form of situations that include having you meet his friends and family or having you spend time with him on a regular, predictable basis. There are couples who make things work after meeting, while one is in the middle of a separation. In many cases, however, even if a man is ready to be separated, this can be a period of huge change and turmoil for him. He may not yet know what he wants next, or how fully prepared he is to commit to someone new. When you find out the answers to those questions, be honest with yourself about the kind of relationship that you really want to have, and whether his current situation is aligned with that vision. The Divorcing Man Once papers have been filed, a couple moves from separated to divorcing. In this case, the decision has been made to officially end the marriage and stop working towards reconciliation. Understanding the circumstances surrounding his divorce can be helpful in determining whether or not this is a relationship you want to pursue. The thing is to try and be as honest as possible about his intentions, and pay attention to your experience with him to help you decide whether you want to keep seeing him. He might just want to date for a fun for a while—or he might be unsure of what he wants. And there may be some cases where a relationship was over years before the divorce paperwork was actually filed, in which case the man you are dating could have long since moved on and may be more than ready to fall in love again now. Treading carefully until you fully understand the situation is always the best way to protect your own heart. Here are some additional questions to consider next to the questions to think about when dating a separated man. Try to remember that the actual act of going through a divorce can be quite trying, no matter how prepared a man may be for this part of his life to be over. If kids are involved, there can be a lot of emotions from them, and from all parties, about the dissolution of the marriage and the family unit as they know it. The Divorced Man When a divorce is final, a judge has ordered the dissolution of the marriage. Child custody and division of property, as well as child support, alimony, who gets the dog and the Christmas china, etcetera, are all part of that settlement. The list can go on. They say that divorce is like the end of a civilization. Think about how much stuff you as a single person accumulate in eight years, which is the average length of a marriage that ends in divorce in the United States. But now that the divorce is said and done, how does his past affect your current relationship with him? How to Go about Finding the Answers to These Questions The best way is simply ask him. Your first date with him might not be the best time to ask him those questions. But who knows—you might have built up a kind of rapport with each other, perhaps through communicating online if you met online , where you do feel comfortable asking those questions very early in the relationship. How else are we supposed to get to know someone, other than to experience them and ask relevant questions? If you want step-by-step guidance on how to overcome your relationship challenges, stay true to who you are and what you want! He has had his own place for 10 months which is when he moved out of there place. We have been dating for 6 months. He spends a lot of time with me, but he nor she have filed for divorce yet. I googled him to find out lol. The decision of whether or not to let him go is a very personal decision. I have an article where I go deeper into explaining and ; you might find those articles helpful. If you do move on, you do risk losing contact with him, but leaving a relationship that is not meeting your needs frees you to be available for a relationship that will meet your needs and that might be a better fit for your long-term happiness. But you could also wait and take that chance that things will improve. I hope this helps provide some guidance! Now all of a sudden he loves her,and his relationship he has with her is so secretive and protective,and he treats me like trash,as I never existed, how does someone just stop loving,caring about someone and jump into another relationship ,he has changed for the worst his bwhavior,his attitude towards me, the mids he has done a 360 for the worse his acts our of cowardice and immaturity. Well she has no kids,has worked at KFC for 13 years,lives with her parents. I work,acts acts license Phlebotomist at UCI Irvine, and im a Medical Assitant as well, I live in the 3 bedroom house we lived and now I pay the bills, and he lives with his dad sleeping on the couch. Now his verbal as became more aggressive and just last week he said ,he wishes i was dead, and that she means more to him. I can see why you would be really bewildered at his behavior. I get the sense that you are in crisis right now. If you are being abused, it is very important that you get support and advice from a trained crisis counselor for the safety of you and your kids. I encourage you to call a hotline like to get support. I hope this helps! I tried to divorce him but he ran away and deny to sign divorce papers from sherrif. I dated a guy in 2014 he has a wife although marriage and lobola were not finalised. He show an interest on me although we are in distance and I love him too. My problem is I want him to show clearly whether he is gonna take me as his second wife or he just keeping me to be his wiper in times of bitterness of their relationship. We ended up seeing each other last year september since we are in different provinces we keep on calling each other sending photos. Now I feel I need him I mic him so much but its hard for me to cheat on him coz I really love him I even dream about him at night. The best thing right now is to have an honest conversation with him about his readiness for a new relationship. Ask him where he is at and whether he plans to get married again. If he does, then maybe you have an opportunity to have a more serious relationship and move toward deeper levels of commitment. But if he is not looking to get married again and just wants someone to be with in times of bitterness in his current relationship and that is not what you want, then perhaps this relationship is not the best fit for you for your long-term happiness. I have been in a intimate relationship with my boyfried for almost 2 years now. He has been permanently deparated from his wife for over 10 years and they live in separate houses. There is a big age difference between us and my family doesint like that and his ex doesint like that and they cause all sorts of trubble and he is unable to get divorced because he has a few houses he collects rent from and will loose more then half to her. Can i do anything about this situation? It sounds like you have several issues going on here. My husband and I are far apart in age, too. But my folks got over it when they saw that he treated me well and I was happy. I hope this helps! I feel your frustration. It really comes down to your needs and requirements. Needs are things that you need to happen in a relationship in order for the relationship to work for you. It sounds like you might have a need for a partner who is really proactive about supporting the life you are trying to build together. There are a lot of factors that go into deciding whether you should stay in a relationship or leave. You might find these couple of articles helpful: and I also offer affordable. I tried to understand although i cudnt. I feel your frustration. I encourage people to be as open and direct with their significant other as possible because that is the best way that they will get their needs known and met. I would start by letting him know how you feel about your relationship and why those questions are important to you. And if you need to talk to him about possibly leaving the relationship, talk to him about it in the context of your needs. You can say that this relationship is missing some important requirements or some of your needs are not getting met, etc. I think it is a that he did not tell you that he was still married and that he is still wearing his wedding ring. This might be an indication that. I hope this helps lend some guidance! His been separated for 2 years now. I met him after 16 months of their separation. In this time I was in a relationship with someone else for 3 years but I broke it off when I met the guy I am with now. When I met the married man at first it trickered something in me. Like I finally felt that I can breath for the first time. But when he told me about his past, I accepted it so easily, I met his son and I adored him very much. We started off as friends then best friends for 8 months and he finally told me that we are officially in a relationship. He says his leaving everything behind for me, his even going to divorce his wife for me, but she was the one that kicked them out also she wanted a divorce and keeps reminding me everyday that I should value it and not leave him at the end. Even though we are in a relationship now I feel like me and him are just friends. His wife that kicked him out with his son now wants to come back after using up all his money. He told me shes being very violent on him, hitting him alot infront of his son. Last time she told him she wanted to come back and that she knows his meeting me. She gets violence on him try and get him to beat her up so that she can put him in jail but he resists stays quiets and does nothing. Yet i am still with him and he keeps asking me to leave while I still have the chance because if he gets really serious with me he will not let me go. I myself am having doubts on why it feels empty when he says he loves me? But everything his done his proven he does. Is it because His been married before and whatever he said to his wife his saying it to me again. Alot of challenges ahead that involves my family not being able to accept him, we are 13 years difference and he has a child. I do respect the bond he has for his child but I am starting to have feelings of doubt and feelings that I feel he loves his son more than me. Is it even normal to feel comparable to his child from his previous relationship. He told me no one is going to stop him from seeing his child not even me. This totally ticked me off. I am confused on what to do. I really feel your concern. And it sounds like a very volatile situation that he is in. I can see why it would be confusing as to what to do. It sounds like he is really going through a lot, too, and that may be the reason that he is pushing you away. I would encourage you to take a look at what thoughts are coming up when he says he loves you. Do you that might be interfering with your ability to embrace and accept his affections? Or maybe your intuition is picking up on a? Hope this helps provide some guidance! I myself walked away from a 7 year relationship 1. While our first date was anything but smooth, I gave it a second chance. On the second date he revealed that he and his ex had a little 3 year old girl. As it turns out, he has the best case that you could ask for; a tight knit, supportive family, a good job, friends and support system. No debt and little drama. After several weeks of dating and eventually becoming intimate, he revealed that he was yet to be formally divorced.. I took him at his word as everything else checked out. They indeed live separately and see each other for exchanges or family events for the sake of the little girl. Since then, we have gone on 3 trips ranging from 4 days to a week, with another trip in a few weeks. I have met his family and friends, and he has met mine… and all welcome us with open arms. I have met his little girl once and while I was introduced as a friend, we immediately bonded well, in fact almost unintentionally too well. So well that it upset her birth mother, understandable, so we postponed any more meetings until further down the line. Now my bf is talking long term; introducing me to his ex so that myself and my bf can spend time together with his little girl, and longer term for me to have a trial living at his place so that eventually we can purchase a new home together. We have talked about being open to marriage and more kids in the future. So what is my concern you may ask? We tried meeting with his ex and she canceled at the last minute after she got emotionally overwhelmed. He feels like he can push forward, but only so much at a time. The second thing being that his ex is like a second daughter to his family. Thankfully to to-date all have been smooth. How do I proceed without sounding overbearing, while still standing my ground? How long is reasonable to wait for the divorce to be finalized? I was in the same boat years ago when I was dating a divorcing man. I know how you feel. It worked out in the end and we are all friendly with each other. Ask yourself: what is it that you ultimately want in the long run? What is it costing you the fact that he is still going through a divorce? Where is your line in the sand? In what situations would you be unwilling to wait any longer? These are very personal questions that only you can answer. And the big question: are you willing to take the risk? I talk about navigating risk in my webinar that I did recently. The replay will be up for the next four days only I hope this helps provide some guidance! When we first met he told me he was seperated and a child and I was okay with it. Well not so long ago I found out he wasnt and still living with his wife. So we broke things off. He is now in the process of a legal seperation. He has moved out. I know his feelings for me are true and that he does want to be with me. But im just confused on how to take it from here. Is it okay to start dating him agaim? Or should I just give him time and distance myself from him. I feel you; it can be a really confusing time because it is such a time of transition for both of you! His life is such in a state of transition right now that he is not physically or emotionally available for a new relationship. Also, the fact that he was not honest about this marital status in the beginning is a , and I would keep my ears and eyes open to why he might have been keeping that from you. I know this is a lot to think about but I hope this helps provide some guidance! He is going through divorce proceedings. He recently changed lawyers and his new lawyer stated that as long as he is married, he is not in a relationship with me and that he was setting a bad example by continuing to see me before his divorce is final. I was categorized as his mistress and he was told our relationship was completely invalid in the eyes of the law. While I empathize with his situation, I feel bad. He no longer is able to see me as much as before and I no longer come around when he has his kids. I never meant to further complicate his divorce but I love this man and we have spent 11 months and 3 weeks together. Any advice would help. I can see why that would be really hard, especially after having spent so much time together. The antidote to fear is CLARITY. I encourage you to journal about this because there are a lot of emotions coming up for you right now and processing it out on paper in a private journal will help you sort through the feelings and confusion. Just do stream of consciousness writing for like 10 mins each day. Write what comes to mind. Get it all out. And then start to think about: given the new development, what choices are available to you? What choices do you have in front of you? Are you able to stay connected talk, email, etc? Or do you have to completely cut off contact? If you want to wait for him, think about what that would mean to you; do you want to wait and if so, for how long? Because of the circumstance, because doing so would jeopardize your jobs. And if you put your relationship on hold…. What obstacles do you foresee? What kind of emotional fortification and support do you need in order to get through it? The antidote to fear is CLARITY. So thinking through a plan of action for you will help you overcome the fear and confusion. I think it is a lot to think about but I hope this helps lend some clarity! I am currently 18 and seeing a 30 year old man who is separated but not divorced. His wife left him a year ago to go live with a new boyfriend and he is left raising his two daughters. I am in love with him and he is with me. His wife recently apologized and said she wants to come back, although he has been in contact with her for awhile so his girls can talk to her. He is such a nice guy and wants the best for his girls who miss their mommy. With that being said, he is willing to let her move back in with him but stay separated until they can afford the divorce. He wants to introduce me to her and wants to continue seeing me. He claims he will only let her stay 30 days, but my worry is they might realize they still love each other and want to stay married. I really feel you. The reality is, because he is going through a divorce right now, his life is undergoing a MAJOR transition. That is the kind of risk you are taking on when dating a divorcing man. So I totally understand why it feels scary. The antidote to fear is clarity. To approach this in a way that is in the interest of your long-term happiness, you need to get really clear with yourself on a several things: You need to get clear on your vision. In your heart of hearts, in love life of your dreams, what kind of life and relationship do you really want? What does that look like and feel like? Forecast what could you potentially be getting into? And for how long? So you have to really ask yourself whether you are are willing to give up that vision. And if you are willing to, for how long are you willing to put that vision aside? He might finalize his divorce. Or he might reconcile with his wife. So you have to really look inside yourself to decide if this is something you want to do. I know this is a lot to think about, but I hope this helps provide some guidance! We were very physically attracted to eachother and had agreed to meet outside of work. What started out as physical quickly turned into more. We fell head over heels for eachother. I knew the strong possibility of him staying with his wife so I never pushed for him to leave her. I had heard around the office that he and his wife were on and off for years and have only been married for 2. He has always been open and honest with me about his marriage…. And that there are significant differences in what he and his wife want, for example children. After 6 months of seeing eachother he decided on his own to move out. He is renting an apartment and wanted to focus on what he and I have. He is seeing a therapist about the situation and is open with me about his appointments. He has told me that he is not in love with his wife but cares about her well being through this. And therefore is trying to let her down easy, he meets with her once a week to talk with her about their separation and issues that she has refused to address that have caused him to separate. I love this man. And I believe he loves me. But I am scared that he still has ties to her…. I have considered backing off until he figures things out and fully separates from his wife….. Neither of us have ever been in this type of situation. Is it wise to continue seeing eachother? Even with all of the open and honest communication? I realize it is still soon to get out, and unfortunately, feels a bit too soon to start badgering him with questions about him finalizing his divorce. He has made it pretty clear that he is no longer in love with his wife, and that they have both agreed to seeing other people meanwhile they are separated. But I worry that they might rebound to each other… even after having broken up twice already. I feel your concern; this is a challenging situation to be in. In this situation, I think it is a good sign that he is proactively taking steps toward his intended outcome: ending his marriage. And it depends on what you really want and what you are willing to do. His life is undergoing a lot of transition right now, and so his time, resources, and emotional energy are going toward that. And to try and have a normal relationship where your needs are met while that is going on is not a realistic expectation. It sounds like he is still in the very early stages of his separation and divorce. Have they filed yet? Is there a separation waiting period? If he is separated but has not filed for divorce yet, it may be some time before the filings happen and before the divorce is final. You need to think about how long you are willing to wait. If you want long term relationship happiness, you need to be true to your vision, needs and requirements. Given this awareness, which path feels right for you? Know that if you stay in this relationship while he is going through a separation, your vision for the kind of relationship that you really want will not be realized right now. Even with all the open and honest communication, some of your needs and requirements may not be met. You have to know that going in if you decide to stay in this relationship. I hope this helps provide some guidance! I wonder why he is not in a hurry to get divorced. I encourage you to get clear on your vision your dream for the kind of life and relationship that you really want , and get clear on your needs and requirements what you need in order to feel loved and your relationship dealbreakers. If you want long-term relationship happiness, you have to be true to your vision, needs and requirements. There are also some things you can look out for like is he making progress toward his divorce or is he dragging his feet , and is he clear about what he wants and is he prioritizing his life in a way to attain it, and is he showing evidence that he will meet your needs and requirements? Another really important thing to consider and look into is? And how long are you willing to wait for him to start making meaningful progress toward a divorce? I know this is a lot to think about but I hope this helps provide some guidance. We have been seeing each other for a month, and I am 5 years older than him, in my mid-40s, never been married and never had kids. He has 2 children under 5 years with his wife, they live seperately, she with the kids. Their marriage started breaking down after they encountered a serious financial knock after he lost his job, and she was forced to work for the first time in her life, and he thinks that right now there is no hope of getting back with her. He has found a means to create an income, and sends money to his family, but his fear is that if he files for divorce, she will make very unreasonable financial demands, and he might even lose his kids. I love him so much, but feel uncertain because he has kept me a secret so far, and he says that he wants me in his life forever, but does not know how to do that. By the way, he injured his back a few days ago, and his wife spent 3 nights at his place to help him out. He asked me not to call at night, and even messages me during the day to say that she is around and I must not call. I know his marriage issues should not be my problem, but I really love him. All needs and requirements are valid. They are unique to you, your values, and the experience that you want to create for yourself in this life. They are non-negotiable for you…meaning if one requirement was not present, the relationship would not work for you. But needs and requirements are related in that they can be gradations of one another. Is this relationship going to work for you? And it depends on what you really want and what you are willing to do. His life is undergoing a lot of transition right now, and so his time, resources, and emotional energy are going toward that. And to try and have a normal relationship where your needs are met while that is going on is not a realistic expectation. Does he want to remarry? Does he want more kids in the future? If you want long term relationship happiness, you need to be true to your vision, needs and requirements. Some of your needs and requirements may not be met. I hope this helps provide some guidance! I have never imagined the universe bringing a separated man in my path. I met a guy,he has been separated 3 years ago. I do not know if he is getting a divorce? I find my self falling for him because he treats me right, and on the other hand, my self esteem is being attacked for dating a man who is still married. We have been on a couple of dates, and I have met his brother. He claims to really love me and even making plans with me for the near future. The relation is not up to a month. I love him, or should I say, I think I love love him. I want to ask him out for us to be more clear about his relationship with his wife. I want to see paper work. The only reason I agreed is because it has been 3 years since he moved on. Should I give this a chance? I like the fact that he opened up about his status. I am glad I met him but I am confused as hell. If you are hoping for a long-term relationship with him, knowing where he is with all that will help you decide whether to go into deeper levels of commitment with him and. I embedded some links to more articles that I think would help you think this through. I hope this helps provide some guidance! Although they are still living in the same house. I was thinking of talking to him and let him know that we stay friends until he ends things about his divorce. But trust your intuition on this one. I would encourage you to keep your distance and protect your heart until you are very clear on what his status is, otherwise you. I hope this helps provide some guidance! I linked some articles in my response that I think might be helpful. I have been dating this man for roughly 2 months; however, we ended our relationship today due to some troubles that he is having with his divorce. He disclosed on the very first day of meeting that he was married but separated and ready to move on. Now I knew better than to get involved with him because something told me that it was much deeper than that. A month in a half in we decided to give each other some distance due to the divorce. This weekend we spoke more in-depth about it and he told me that his wife does not want to get a divorce and that she is desperately trying to get back together with him. He has assured me that he will not get back with her because she is having a baby by another man, and although I believe him I do know that he still loves her. I am already involved with him on an emotional, mental and physical level and we both do not want to give up on each other. We both agreed that it is best to wait, but I am not sure I know how to. I would really enjoy hearing what you think. How do we go about maintain some level of distance yet closeness? Do I give him space? Call on the phone? I also told him that he should get some counseling to work through some of these feelings, and he wants to but I am not sure if he will do it. I have a couple of articles here that might be helpful to you on whether you should wait. His life is undergoing a lot of transition right now, and so his time, resources, and emotional energy are going toward that. And to try and have a normal closeness in the relationship while that is going on is not a realistic expectation. And you have to decide how long you are willing to wait. I hope this helps provide some guidance! There was a special connection between us. Over the years there have been many coincidences that have brought us scarily close to each other. He has been married the last 26 years and I recently 2 months ago reconnected with him and things started to happen. Shortly after that he was served his divorce papers. He was not looking for a divorce but toward a possible reconciliation. His wife threw him out over a year ago and dumped him off at the hospital twice when he was in life threatening situations. She wants nothing to do with him. He claims responsibility for what went wrong between them. He drank and said some very mean things to her. He was accused of having an affair but he claims nothing ever happened. He was just texting someone which was inappropriate but not an affair. Things have started to happen between us. We decided to slow things down and just be friends until this is all sorted out. A part of me feels so guilty because technically he is still married. Trying to take an active roll in his kids 3 lives. But my heart is already fully invested in him and I have no guarantees that he will complete the divorce or even want to be with me. Although so far there seems to be great interest there. Am I setting myself up for a huge heartbreak? Do I withdraw from even being friends until he figures this stuff out? How can I turn my back on what may be our only chance.? And the fact that he is considering reconciliation also means that he still has strong feelings for his marriage;. These big changes in his life are interfering with your relationship. Also, sometimes stepping back changes the status quo and gives people greater motivation to get off the fence and make a decision. And , he will come back around when he is ready and will take meaningful action toward creating a life with you. I hope this helps provide some guidance! They sleep on separate floors of the house 15 or more yrs , have nothing in common but WE get alone like we have known each other for a lifetime. He asked my opinion on how to approach the separation? However, each is different. I can only advise that if I did again I would consult an attorney before I said anything. I truly have my gut feeling he is the one, but for my heart should I just step back and wait until it is legal and final before i give? Been here before and I know the scars it leaves on both and could potentially ruin what a great thing we have now, but i would rather step back until he is free and clear.. And that resentment is going to get in the way of deepening your connection and growing your relationship. I hope this helps provide some guidance! His ex wife moved out in March of 2017 into a home she bought. They sold the house in September and divided the money in half. He was living in the house when I met him he told immediately that he was separated. Somehow I continue to date him as I once was in the same situation back in 2010 when I met my finance who died in 2011. He knew I had not been divorced but wanted to marry me. I did eventually get my divorce. We are actually having dinner together on Saturday. He always talks about our future and being in a long term relationship all his actions are of a man who is in love and wants to make me happy. He and his wife had been distant for many years as they were just housemates. He tells me he wants a future with me and talks about when he retires in three years we will move to Florida and by a home. She is retired I have to find out her age as my girlfriend who is well informed of insurance says she can get her own insurance. He has told me that he never wants to hurt me and that he is being honest with me. He always tells me what can I do to show you that I really love you. It really comes down to what matters to you and what your dealbreakers are. My general advice is to not date or commit to someone who is not available for a commitment to you if commitment is what you want. But if he is doing everything within his power to get divorced, and he is really close to divorce, I might give him a chance, but only if he is moving heaven and earth to get to that point. And he cannot fully meet your needs if he is married to another woman. I hope this helps provide some guidance! With love and light, Melissa.